v5.0 (April 2020)


The Mist data can be queried programatically. See our API Page


MIST Version 5.0 - April 2020

Column Information
  1. MasterNetID -- our own unique interaction ID
  2. TaxID_A -- taxonomy id for interacting partner A, for example, 9606 for human genes
  3. GeneA -- entrez geneid for interacting partner A
  4. TaxID_B -- taxonomy id for interacting partner B, for example, 9606 for human genes
  5. GeneB -- entrez geneid for interacting partner B
  6. Rank -- confidence of interaction (high, moderate and low)
  7. Interaction_type -- PPI, genetic, interolog, interolog-genetic
  8. Exp_Direct -- evidence codes (MI ID) for direct interaction eg. "MI:0018" for 2-Hybrid interaction
  9. Exp_Indirect -- evidence code for in-direct interaction eg. "MI:0488" for psi-mi
  10. TaxID_interolog -- this column is only populated for interolog and shows the taxonomy ID of the original data
  11. Source_databases -- eg. BioGrid
  12. Reference -- Pubmed_ID or other reference ID (eg reference from FlyBase)
  13. Reference_type -- eg. "PMID"
  14. Count_direct -- count of unique evidence code (MI number) as direct interaction
  15. Count_indirect -- count of unique evidence code (MI number) as in-direct interaction
  16. Count_paper -- count of unique reference IDs
  17. Source_Interolog -- this column is only populated for interolog and shows the MasterNetID of the original data
  18. Comment

All species files zipped, tab separated text.

By Individual Species

Protein Protein Interactions

Interolog of Protein Protein Interactions

Genetic Interactions

Interolog of Genetic Interactions


The Mist output pages can be linked to programatically.
